Sharp Shots! Tips and Tricks for Young Photographers

Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year are excited to see the imaginative and creative images from the talented next generation of food photographers! Free to enter, with an opportunity for three age groups (Under 10s, 11-14 and 15-17), it is an opportunity for young budding photographers to showcase their work!

Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year is delighted to partner our Under 18 Young Categories with Sharp Shots Photo Club. Sharp Shots provides both inspiration and technical knowledge to the next generation of digital photographers.

“Learning how to take great photographs is important for the U18’s as photography as a digital medium is now used for in many different jobs and skill sets. Understanding lighting, camera mechanics and composition will make a photograph and the photographer stand out."

 “We are really looking forward to working with Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year as we want to encourage our young photographers to learn more about food photography and to develop their eye for a creative image at an early age,” Lillian Spibey, Director, Sharp Shots Photo Club

In this blog, we want to inspire young photographers. Firstly, we have teamed up with Sharp Shots to share tips and tricks for food photography at home! We then share the importance of food photography to some of our Young Finalists from 2020.



Food Photography Tips & Tricks for Young Photographers


Most children and young people have access to a camera on their phones, so why not help them hone their photography skills?

Whether new to photography, or developing photography skills, we wanted to share some tips and tricks with you this year.



Want to learn more? A Food Photography Workshop


This January 23, we are excited to be teaming up with Sharp Shots for their Food Photography Zoom Workshop.

Learn how to set up a small home studio and use natural light and torches to create dynamic & abstract images of simple objects such as fruit, vegetables & beverages. Nothing new needs to be bought, all items can be found around the house or in the garden. Teens will learn how to use focus, aperture, and lighting together to take interesting photographs. Fun, interactive tasks will be done throughout the webinar, helping the teens to troubleshoot, and inspiring them further with more ideas and set ups. For the last hour of the webinar, students will be able to share their final images with the tutor for active feedback.

Course date: Saturday 23rd January 2021
Course time: 10:30 – 13:00
Fee: £20

For more details, please visit:



Inspiration for Young Photographers


We spoke to some of our Young Category finalists from 2020, who started with us why photography is so important to them, why they entered the competition, and how it felt to be a finalist.


Usha Hollema, Egypt
11-14, 3rd
Dining with kKds

The competition is a great way of encouraging young people to get into photography and enjoy observing the world around them.’

This is the second year that my sister and I have entered the Pink Lady® photography competition. Throughout the year we enjoy going out and about, always looking out for photo opportunities and I get very excited when I get a good shot. I then really enjoy going through the photos that I have taken during the year, selecting my favourites to enter into the competition.’



Alex Forbes, United Kingdom
11-14, 1st
Mulled Wine

I feel honoured and privileged to be selected as Finalist in such a prestigious food photography competition.’

Just a massive thank you for this opportunity and the fact that there is under 18 categories in such a great competition. Not often do children and young adults get the opportunity like this.



Evie Grimshaw, United Kingdom
10 and Under, 2nd


Evie Grimshaw told us that she had heard about the competition ‘in her house from her Daddy’. Find out more about her story here: Photography for the Family - Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year

It is a great opportunity and means I can be better at photography. It's just amazing and helps you learn a lot on photography as well.’



Jemima Painter, Thailand
11-14, 2nd
Inches Away!

Being a finalist in the competition feels so amazing to know that all your hard work has paid off. I am so grateful to know that my photo was chosen out of many other images and that lots of outstanding photographers have judged my work.

I would definitely recommend entering the Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year because I think it is a great opportunity for children to get involved with. I also believe that anyone should have a go entering even if they have never tried anything like this before, because you never know if you might get though or not.’



Our Young Photographer category is free to enter, and open until Sunday 7th February.

We are looking for any image at all featuring food. Food in the field, food on your plate, food in the street. Wherever you see food, you can take a prize-winning image.

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